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Marta Supervia MD MSc PhD CCRP

Marta Supervia MD MSc PhD CCRP

Marta Supervia MD MSc PhD CCRP is the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Medical director at Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. She is the Head of Rehabilitation Research Group and the Residence Program Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Gregorio Marañón University Hospital and the Head of the PMR residency programat Gregorio Marañón University Hospital.  She works as a research collaborator at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. She also participates at ISPRM (International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine)  & SERMEF (Spanish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ) as a committee member. She has collaborated as a Member of the Development Group for Ischemic Heart Disease to the Development of WHO’s  Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation 2030). Furthermore, she has contributed to the cardiac rehabilitation evidence with several publications besides being an author in the sixth edition of the guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs published by AACVPR and she is part of the JCRP editorial board. Dr. Supervia has been invited as a speaker in several international Rehabilitation & Cardiology meetings.

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