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Andrea Beaton, MD HIP2022

Andrea Beaton, MD HIP2022

Andrea Beaton is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and a Pediatric Cardiologist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.  She is a founding member of the Rheumatic Heart Disease Research Collaborative in Uganda (RRCU) which has collaboratively published over 40 studies across the translational spectrum in RHD research. Dr. Beaton is currently the Center Director of an American Heart Association Strategically Focused Research Network (ADD-RHD) that is developing technology-enabled approaches to get more patients living with RHD onto secondary antibiotic prophylaxis. She also led the GOAL Trial, determining the impact of secondary antibiotic prophylaxis on latent RHD, and will lead the follow-up study of these patients, GOAL-Post.  Dr. Beaton has multiple leadership positions in the American Heart Association (immediate past-chair of the Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee, International Committee, Epidemiology and Statistics Committee), World Heart Federation (Neglected Cardiac Disease Working Group), and World Health Organization (Chair, RHD Guideline Development Group).

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