Look who’s talking—to voice assistants. Physicians are increasingly adopting the hands-free, time-saving tools in a trend DRG Digital expects will create both challenges and opportunities for pharma brands.
A recent deep dive found that of the U.S. physicians who use a voice assistant for professional reasons, 78% use voice on their smartphones to search. Others use dedicated voice devices such as Amazon Echo (31%) or a voice assistant that’s part of their EHR system (29%).
DRG Digital-Manhattan Research initially began researching voice assistants after its annual big picture “Taking the Pulse” 2017 survey discovered that 23% of physicians used voice assistants for work. The researchers wanted to know more, so they set up the second study to survey 100 of the doctors in the original study who said they use voice services.
Continue reading at: http://www.fiercepharma.com/marketing/siri-alexa-doctor-will-see-you-now?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0dVM1pHSXlPR1k1WlRZMSIsInQiOiIxbWI5TkZ6dThDNHl6bWRGaXlKRXBKTmJpRUI5ckswb3A4ZUlleVwvXC9DdkpvYkRYZGhwOEJ3NFhsOWs3Y0ZwOUpxdjVjYlNNNUsxeG85N3MyV2paWDhLME9kMnRMWmQ5dmZIY1paXC9nakF6eHdGVjBXZHZtV1ZXbmpuOGpZWHArQyJ9&mrkid=879624